Ex-psychic warns Fox News pushing 'demonic agenda' by airing divination during primetime
Jenn Nizza said tarot card segment with Jesse Watters was 'completely alarming'

A former psychic who repented of occult practices after turning to Jesus Christ warned that Fox News potentially opened their viewers to demonic activity by airing an act of divination during primetime last week.
"The deception of putting something that seems good out there while pushing a demonic agenda is heartbreaking," Jenn Nizza told The Christian Post.
Nizza, an author and podcaster who runs Ex-PsychicSaved.com and has written about how dabbling with tarot cards as a young teenager ultimately led her deeply into occultism, said she found it "completely alarming" when Fox News host Jesse Watters invited a medium on his show last week to discern the country's political future using tarot cards.
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Watters, whose show "Jesse Watters Primetime" occupies Tucker Carlson's former time slot, hosted the so-called "English Psychic" Paula Roberts, who pulled a tarot card for Trump known as the Five of Cups, which depicts a cloaked figure lamenting three cups that have been overturned while ignoring the two that remain upturned.
The card symbolizes focusing on negativity, and Roberts claimed that it predicted a "sense of loss" for Trump in 2024.
Awkward moment on Fox last night. They brought on a psychic, asked her to predict Trump’s 2024, she reaches into a stack of like 50 cards and pulls out a grim reaper. pic.twitter.com/M9nqqo2vp1
— Josh Power ???????? (@JoshPower80) January 3, 2024
Roberts, who identifies as a clairvoyant, paranormal investigator, and "ghost-hunter," according to her website, claims to have ties to the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, which was founded in 1872 and included high-profile members such as "Sherlock Holmes" author Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle.
Roberts also claims to have known prominent occult figures such as Ingo Swann, who was involved with the CIA's research into occult practices such as remote viewing, extrasensory perception, and astral projection.
Nizza made a TikTok video last week explaining that she had "a little bit of a bone to pick" with Fox News for airing the segment with Roberts, who she believes is a legitimate psychic who engages in communication with demons, even if she is unaware of it.
@expsychicsaved What is happening in our culture??? As a former psychic, yes former! I can tell you to run dont walk away from it! It is NOT a gift from God! That is why we can be set free from divination. The devil is working overtime to leas masses of souls away from God. Demons do not know the future they are good guessers. Either way, turninf to demons leads to the consequences and trust me you dont want them! #foxnews#tarot#divination#jessewatters#gotogod#praytogod? Suspense, horror, piano and music box - takaya
"[Roberts] a real psychic who's been doing this for a long time and who is serious about what she does," Nizza told CP. "A lot of people will say these people are hucksters. That's just not true. There are hucksters, but this woman is not a huckster. This woman is truly a psychic."
Based on her own experience as a former medium, Nizza explained that the cardboard and pictures of the tarot do not offer any insight by themselves, but that the purported information psychics obtain from them is "channeled" and inherently demonic.
"A tool of divination is one that's actually accessing the demonic realm, the spirit realm, and you're going against God's will of boundaries; God says not to," she said, citing Deuteronomy 18:10-12, which prohibits witchcraft and divination as "detestable" acts that incur God's judgment on nations.
In broadcasting such a practice during primetime, she said Fox News risked piquing the curiosity of their viewers to dabble in such things, effectively "encouraging people to enter into demonic communication: going against God, going to divination, psychics, and the tarot cards to try to gain some sort of future information, when demons don't have any future information."
Nizza said demons can "hook" tarot practitioners in by offering "a couple pieces of accurate information," but she noted that they do not have the omniscience of God, and that they merely possess the knowledge of "intelligent, powerful, and old" beings who have been observing human affairs for a long time.
Nizza also maintained that the light-hearted tone of Jesse Watters' segment implied that such practices need not be taken seriously, which she warned is also potentially dangerous. Those who think divination and other occult practices are a form of entertainment are being deceived by what she described as "smoke and mirrors."
"That's another deception of the evil one," she said. "There's nothing funny about it. God condemns it."
"If [Satan] can get you to think that it's nothing, or it's fun and entertaining, then he gets you involved," she said. "And he starts planting seeds, and he gets you interested, and he gets you away from God. Because now you're looking at this show that you like, you're looking at this guy that you like, you're looking at the psychic."
By deceiving people into thinking occult activity is "no big deal" and "a big joke," Nizza said "the devil can do something blatant, like opening those demonic doors" that threaten to drag dabblers into a life of spiritual darkness and demonic oppression, which is what she claimed to have experienced until she became a Christian 10 years ago.
Nizza believes Americans are now particularly vulnerable to such things given the country's political turmoil, which she warned could lead them down a "rabbit hole of destruction" amid their concerns over what will happen in the near future.
"It's reaching people," she warned. "Especially in the culture that we live in and the climate that we live in, people [are] wondering what's going to happen. We have a lot of tension in the nations, and the election is coming up."
"This is what the devil does," she added. "He's the tempter, he's a liar, he's a manipulator. And the whole thing is to get you away from God, because if you're watching the psychic, you're not going to God. You're not putting your faith and trust in Him and His sovereignty over all things."
The Fox News segment also drew derision from users on X, some of whom mocked Fox News for airing an ominous prediction about Trump. Others echoed Nizza, striking a more serious tone by suggesting the network was treading into dangerous spiritual territory by airing divination at all.
"Could I just note that tarot cards are not things Christians should embrace and maybe Christians need to reconsider the content they consume," tweeted radio host Erick Erickson.
"If you’re going to be upset by a calendar, stand up against normalizing this crap too," Erickson added, referencing Ultra Right Beer's "Real Women of America" 2024 calendar, which caused an uproar among some conservatives and Christians for featuring scantily-clad conservative women.
"Demonic! Satanic! The occult! People wake up!" former Republican Georgia gubernatorial candidate Kandiss Taylor wrote. "Fox is supposed to be Republican Conservative news. Totally against Jesus. This is Satan worshippers [sic]."
Last July, an investigation by The Blaze revealed that Fox Corporation was willing to match Fox News employee donations of up to $1,000 to a number of far-left organizations including The Satanic Temple.
The company never publicly addressed the revelation that reportedly emerged from multiple sources within Fox News, though they removed The Satanic Temple from their portal of eligible charities days after Blaze Media founder Glenn Beck broadcast the story.