If Hillary Clinton Wins, Republicans Will Never Win Again, Michele Bachmann Says

Former Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann believes that if Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton ends up in the White House after the general election in November, Republicans will never win again.
"Well I don't want to be melodramatic but I do want to be truthful. And I believe without the shadow of a doubt, this is the last election. This is it. This is the last election and the reason why I say that David is it's because it's a math problem," said Bachmann in an interview with CBN's David Brody of The Brody File this week.
"It's a math problem — demographics and a changing United States. If you look at the numbers of people who vote and who live in the country and who Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton want to bring into the country, this is the last election when we even have a chance to vote for somebody who will stand up for godly moral principles. This is it," she warned.
Bachmann said if Christians and establishment Republicans and other groups like the "Never Trumpers" don't get together and support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton will continue to wreak havoc on religious freedom and traditional family values.
"Hillary Clinton, I'm not judging her spiritually or where she's at but we know where she's going to come down on Supreme Court justices. She's pro Planned Parenthood. She is for everything that I'm against and I think that it's very clear. We've got a day and night contrast. This isn't even close to what Donald Trump stands [for]," she said.
"People look at Trump and he can be coarse, a little crude and all the rest and I say get over it … because what he is going to do is uphold religious liberty and will advance the constitutional republic that our founders gave us," Bachmann continued.
"She said herself, she is going to grant wholesale amnesty to people from the third world who are here in the United States and we hear this fake number of 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States, wrong. It's about 30-40 million illegal aliens in the United States – 30-40 million," she argued.
"What Hillary Clinton's ultimate goal is, is to secure her re-election. The very first thing as President Clinton …, she will have a wholesale amnesty so that Republicans will never again have a chance at winning Florida, or Texas. If we can't win Florida or Texas it's game over. All the Never Trumpers, the establishment Republicans, that are out there saying, 'Well, we'll just take our chances and four years from now we'll have a better candidate, then we can take the White House. It's not gonna happen," she claimed. "Hillary Clinton will ensure it never happens because she is gonna change the demographics of the United States so that no Republican will ever win again."
She also urged Christians to get on their knees and pray for the country.
Bachmann who did not support Trump in the Republican primaries explained in an earlier segment of the interview with CBN that she believes God picked Donald Trump to be the Republican Party's nominee and she believes he will win.
"I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous, but I also see that at the end of the day, God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump who was going to be the nominee in this election," she said. "I don't think God sits things out. He's a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee."
"Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know," she added. "But I do know that the Bible is true and that Daniel teaches the Most High God, which is one of God's names, is the one who lifts up who he will and takes down who he will."
Bachmann is currently an adviser on Trump's Evangelical Executive Advisory Board.