Interview: Potential GOP Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina Talks Abortion, Common Core, Gay Marriage and Her Christian Faith

Potential Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina spoke with The Christian Post about abortion, Common Core, a Supreme Court gay marriage case, and how her religious views influence her public policy views.
Fiorina has worked most of her life as a business executive. She's probably best known as the first woman to head a Fortune 20 company. From 1999 to 2005, she was CEO of Hewlett-Packard, a large information technology company based in California.
In 2008 she served as an advisor on Republican presidential nominee John McCain's campaign. And in 2010 she ran for a U.S. Senate seat in California.
She currently works with Opportunity International, a Christian global anti-poverty organization.
Last month, during the week of the March for Life, Fiorina delivered a speech on abortion at the Heritage Foundation. In that speech she said science shows that life begins at conception and liberals are hypocrites for wanting to protect wildlife, "even flies," but not life in the womb.
In an email interview with The Christian Post, Fiorina said that politicians shouldn't be afraid to talk about abortion, and "every human life is precious and has potential." She added that being a Christian informs her views about life because she knows that "every one of us is equal in the eyes of God."
Fiorina also answered questions about her opposition to Common Core and whether the U.S. Supreme Court should require all states to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples.

Here is the transcript of that interview:
CP: You've said that you're thinking about running for president. How will you make that decision?
Fiorina: I am seriously considering it. My decision will be based on if we can build the right support, team, and financial resources.
CP: You recently delivered a pro-life speech at The Heritage Foundation in conjunction with the March for Life. Some politicians try to avoid that issue as much as they can. Why did you want to tackle the issue?
Fiorina: Because life is an important issue that we shouldn't be afraid to talk about. Like I said at that March for Life event, science is on our side. It shows that unborn babies feel pain and dream at five months and that the DNA on the day that we die is the same DNA we had as a zygote. Every human life is precious and has potential.
CP: I saw recently that you do not support Common Core. What is your main concern — federal involvement? The standards themselves? All of the above?
Fiorina: America's future prosperity requires that changes be made to Common Core. The facts are pretty clear, the bigger our education department becomes, the worse our public education becomes. There's no connection between spending more money in our nation's capital and a better school system. Parents should be given choice, competition, and accountability in the classroom. Teaching entrepreneurship, innovation, risk taking, and imagination comes with local control and we have to maintain this in our school system.
CP: This summer the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether the U.S. Constitution requires states to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples. What should the Court do?
Fiorina: This is an important conversation that is going on in homes, churches, and communities across the country. I think that the worst thing the Supreme Court can do right now is shortcut this conversation.
CP: What are your religious beliefs and how do those beliefs inform your political views?
Fiorina: I am a Christian. I believe that everyone of us is equal in the eyes of God, and therefore, I know that everyone is capable of living a life of dignity, purpose, and meaning.