Meagan Good Defends 'Good Girl' Behavior With Clothing Line Partnership

Meagan Good is involved with a clothing brand that she may believe can usher in a movement celebrating "good girls."
Good, the 33-year-old Christian actress married to Hollywood executive DeVon Franklin, is encouraging girls to not take on stereotypes of bad girl imagery. Good and her sister La'Myia posed in some DEFEND clothing line items in an image posted to the former's Instagram page.
She spoke about the movement that she's helping to usher in that fused the DEFEND clothing brand and her ideals.
"ReturnOfTheGoodGirl #DefendGoodGirl #Defend .. Welcome to the movement ..," Good wrote on Instagram. "It's such a blessing to partner with a brand that not only affects pop-culture but understands the value of endorsing a movement that serves as a call to action…"
She went on to outline the ideals associated with the movement and brand.
"Return of the girl who Loves herself.. The girl who respects herself and knows her worth is beyond what money could buy ..," Good wrote on her social media page. "Return of the girl who doesn't have to be Bad to get to get attention or compete.. Return of the girl who is brave enough to not believe any of the lies told to her, sold to her & others about who she is.."
She added, "return of the girl who's strong enough to walk in her own identity and doesn't need to conform to the crowd. .. Return of the #GoodGirl .. #DefendGoodGirl .. Available at special select stores soon."
It seems the Christian actress is busy these days, aside from partnering with the clothing brand. She is gearing up to star in the upcoming Fox pilot "Minority Report," according to Deadline reports and producing an online drama called "All That Matters." Good has teamed up with fellow actress Tamara Bass to form Krazy Actress Productions.
The 10-episode series is the first scripted original program for WorldStarHipHop, whose founder Lee "Q" O'Denat will also have a hand in its production along with media personality Sway Calloway. The series will appear weekly starting March 9 on the popular website, WorldStarHipHop.
"It's an honest and relatable story about life's, sacrifice and choices," Good said of the series in an Essence report.
For more information about Defend clothing line, click here.