
Pastor of world’s third largest Protestant church to attend Trump’s inauguration

Rev. William F. Kumuyi, is the general superintendent and founder of Deeper Christian Life Ministry based in Lagos, Nigeria.
Rev. William F. Kumuyi, is the general superintendent and founder of Deeper Christian Life Ministry based in Lagos, Nigeria. | Deeper Christian Life Ministry

Among the flock of Evangelical leaders attending President-elect Donald Trump's second inauguration in Washington, D.C., next Monday will be the leader of what purports to be the world's third-largest Protestant church, Rev. William F. Kumuyi.

Kumuyi, 83, is a former university math professor, general superintendent and founder of Deeper Christian Life Ministry headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. His non-denominational church, founded in 1973, has thousands of branches in 120 countries, including the United States, and welcomes about 120,000 people for worship services each week.

He has also hosted monthly evangelistic crusades that have reached more than 6 million people and some 730,000 made faith commitments, according to the church.

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In a statement released to The Christian Post, Kumuyi had high praise for Trump's general support and commitment to international religious freedom.

"President Trump's stand for the gospel is not without recognition, not just by American Christians, but all Christians globally," Pastor Kumuyi said. "During his first term in office, President Trump hosted the first ever meeting of foreign ministers focused solely on international religious freedom and, in his campaign, he promised to support Christian values and priorities." 

Kumuyi, who recently urged American Christians to deepen their trust in God in an op-ed for CP, will meet with Congress members and American church leaders during his visit to the U.S.

"This moment in history reminds us that faith transcends borders and unites believers worldwide," he said. "As we gather in Washington, D.C., the global church stands together in prayer and purpose, advocating for faith-based dialogue to shape policies that uphold religious liberty and foster the growth of Christianity worldwide." 

American Christian leaders like Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of 180 Church in Detroit, Michigan, are embracing Trump's second term with hope. Sewell was selected to be one of four religious leaders to deliver a benediction at the inauguration on Monday after welcoming Trump at his church last June for a roundtable while the former president was on the campaign trail.

"When I received the phone call [about the selection], I started crying. I cried because I feel like Jesus wants me to do something Monday. I don't believe this is about me. I think this is about people that are hurting in Detroit," Sewell told WXYZ Detroit

The Detroit pastor said he wants to speak up for his community, which he believes has been overlooked for too long.

"It has nothing to do with Lorenzo. It has nothing to do with my church or my relationship with President Trump. It has everything to do with those who are voiceless. Now, they get a voice," he said.

"For me, I believe that the most important thing we can proclaim and believe Jesus to proclaim over our great country is Dr. King's dream."

Contact: Follow Leonardo Blair on Twitter: @leoblair Follow Leonardo Blair on Facebook: LeoBlairChristianPost

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