Patricia Heaton hires armed security for crisis pregnancy center, slams Elizabeth Warren

Hollywood actress and staunch pro-life advocate Patricia Heaton took to social media with choice words for U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren after her crisis pregnancy center had to hire armed security amid a rise in attacks targeting similar facilities across the country.
"Our medical pregnancy clinic serves client families for five years, providing superior services for anyone who asks. We raised $250K for a mobile medical clinic for underserved areas, treating everyone," Heaton informed her Twitter followers on Wednesday in response to a tweet from Warren.
Following the Supreme Court's overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling making abortion a national right last Friday, Sen. Warren took to social media Monday to criticize crisis pregnancy centers.
Crisis pregnancy centers provide support for women seeking to give birth instead of abortion, many of which employ trained medical professionals and offer medical services.
The Democrat from Massachusetts claims that these centers "mislead and deceive patients seeking abortion care." Warren stressed the need to "crack down" on these centers and praised her bill that "would stop these harmful practices."
"With Roe gone, it's more important than ever to crack down on so-called 'crisis pregnancy centers' that mislead and deceive patients seeking abortion care," Warren tweeted. "My bill with @SenatorMenendez would stop these harmful practices."
Heaton addressed Warren's claims, suggesting such rhetoric has made pregnancy centers like hers less safe. In recent months as it appeared the Supreme Court was primed to overturn Roe, several pro-life pregnancy centers nationwide have been victimized by vandalism and firebombings. Those attacks have continued after last week's ruling.
"Because of people like @SenWarren we now have to hire armed security," the "Everybody Loves Raymond" actress tweeted.
Our medical pregnancy clinic serves client families for five years, providing superior services for anyone who asks. We raised 0K for a mobile medical clinic for underserved areas, treating everyone. Because of people like @SenWarren we now have to hire armed security.
— Patricia Heaton (@PatriciaHeaton) June 29, 2022
Warren's June 27 Tweet linked to a Time article claiming that crisis pregnancy centers are using data against women as "weapons."
Many vandals targeting pro-life pregnancy centers have spraypainted graffiti reading "If abortion ain't safe you ain't safe" and "Fake Clinic." The group "Jane's Revenge" has claimed responsibility for many of the acts and declared "open season" on pro-lifers.
An early Saturday morning fire at a north-central Colorado Christian pregnancy center is being investigated as arson, according to Longmont Police. The building sustained heavy damage and also had the aforementioned threat spraypainted on the outside walls.
Abortion extremists have been encouraged to use a map of pro-life pregnancy centers compiled by two University of Georgia professors in 2018 to find the nearest facility in their area.
Heaton's post drew criticism from some on Twitter who told the actress that she should get off her "high horse and face reality."
"If you don't provide abortion care to women who need it, you're not providing health care," someone named Susie told Heaton.
Heaton replied and called out Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider.
"Hello Susie – PP provides no pre or postnatal care for women – do you demand the same of them? Should they provide free ultrasounds, diapers, medical care for pregnant women who want to keep their babies?" she asked.
The actress told another detractor: "No one has ever died from visiting a pregnancy clinic."
Heaton has not held back her pro-life stance in public.
In a past interview with The Blaze, the devout Catholic explained her stance.
"I find it impossible to subscribe to a philosophy that believes that the destruction of human life is a legitimate solution to a problem that is mostly social, economic and psychological," she declared.
"In reality, most women' choose' abortion because they believe they have no other choice," Heaton added. "Women who experience unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy."
Jeannie Ortega Law is a reporter for The Christian Post. Reach her at: She's also the author of the book, What Is Happening to Me? How to Defeat Your Unseen Enemy Follow her on Twitter: @jlawcp Facebook: JeannieOMusic