Rick Santorum's New Documentary Will Feature Hobby Lobby Case

Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum will be releasing a new documentary in September that touches on the recent Supreme Court ruling involving Hobby Lobby and a corporation's right to refuse to provide birth control for employees based on religious beliefs.
The new documentary, "One Generation Away: The Erosion of Religious Liberty," is being produced by Santorum's EchoLight Studios and will be released on September 1st. The production company told The Hollywood Reporter earlier this week that the film will use the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case as one example of how religious freedom in the U.S. is being trumped by big government and political correctness.
The film also highlights other recent court cases to prove their point regarding religious freedom, including the court case involving Texas cheerleaders and their Bible verse banners, cases related to the U.S. military, and cases involving business owners refusing to provide their services for same-sex weddings. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and atheist activist Dan Barker also speak in the documentary.
EchoLight Studios president Jeff Sheets told The Hollywood Reporter that the film "clearly presents the complex perspective on important issues, like the recent Hobby Lobby case, that your average Christian American doesn't think about every day."
Sheets added to Politico that the "film is less about victories and defeats than about highlighting the ongoing tension and promoting dialogue and engagement on the issues."
"An informed and engaged populous is the greatest defense against the apathy and tyranny spawned within a void of religious liberty."
The upcoming documentary, as well as other films released by EchoLight Studios, will be shown in churches across America, instead of movie theaters in an attempt to draw the masses to houses of worship.
"We want to be a part of empowering the church to elevate its role as a cultural change agent," Sheets said in a statement back in April. "Our vision is not to create sermons wrapped in a movie but to create content that inspires, fascinates and incorporates a strong Christian worldview."
On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled in a five to four decision in favor of two Christian corporations, Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties, saying the companies can choose, based on their religious beliefs, to not provide their employees with certain contraceptives that may end the life of a fetus. The ruling served as a blow to the Obama administration's HHS mandate.