'Roe v. Wade' director Nick Loeb shares pro-life conversion, says he dreams of 2 aborted babies

ANAHEIM, California — Actor Nick Loeb, director of the upcoming film "Roe v. Wade," revealed why he went from being a pro-choice advocate who supported two abortions in past relationships to a vocal defender of the unborn.
“I grew up in the '80s and early '90s, and I was taught that when I woman gets pregnant, it’s just a bunch of cells; there’s no life there, it’s not a baby until it can kick,” Loeb recalled in an interview with The Christian Post where he admitted to sometimes dreaming of the unborn children he fathered.
“So I had no problem with a woman doing whatever she wanted to do with her own body. I thought, ‘science tells you there’s no life there, so why not terminate it if that’s what you want to do?’”
The actor said that in his 20s, he supported two different girlfriends who decided to terminate their pregnancies. But as the years passed, he began to dream of the children who had been so easily discarded.
“As I got older, into my late 20s and early 30s, I started to have dreams of the children that had been aborted. I saw them at the ages they would’ve been at that time,” he said. “That prompted me to begin looking more into the issue, researching and educating myself.”
But Loeb said he wasn’t yet truly pro-life and adopted the mantra, “I am pro-life for me, but it's OK for you to be pro-choice and make your own decisions.” That changed when a friend began challenging him on his beliefs.
“My friend said, ‘Do you think it’s OK to rob banks?’ I said, ‘No, of course not.’ He said, ‘But it’s OK for other people to rob banks?’ I said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘Then why is abortion not OK for you, but it’s OK for other people?’”
The actor said he then decided abortion was only acceptable in cases of rape — until he was in a car accident nine years ago that led to permanent Sciatica, an excruciating nerve pain running down the length of his leg.
“I’m not going to compare it to rape; rape is a horrible thing that women go through,” he clarified, “but I’ll live with this pain my entire life, it’s a horrible thing, a bad thing that happened to me. But I can’t just get rid of it and kill it — and it’s not even a life. So yes, bad things happen to women, bad things happen to people all the time, but why are we going to punish another life or something that happened to you?”
“Yes, you’ll go through nine months of trauma because you’ll have to carry it,” he said. “But it’s not as bad as the lifetime of trauma you’ll have when you abort it. So you weigh that out as well. And if you don’t want to live with that child after, there are millions of people who want to adopt your baby.”
“So to me, I really wasn't pro-life although I labeled myself that,” he continued. “People aren’t pro-life until they’re really for life, under any circumstances, no matter what, no excuses, no exceptions.”
Starring Jon Voight, Robert Davi, Corbin Bernsen, John Schneider and Stacey Dash, “Roe v. Wade” tells the true story of how Norma McCorvey, commonly known as Jane Roe, was persuaded by lies and manipulation to sue the government for the right to have an abortion, according to the film synopsis.
The script, co-written by Loeb, was developed from actual court records to share the truth behind the case that has allowed the killing of more than 60 million children in the United States. The film will be released in theaters nationwide in the fall of 2019.
Loeb told CP that many people are pro-choice because Hollywood has glamorized abortion and reinforced the myth that life doesn’t begin at conception. He pointed out that while the pro-life camp does an excellent job with fundraisers, galas and other events, it has done a poor job of tackling pop culture.
He explained: “Planned Parenthood has been incredible with getting celebrities on board. The Kardashians did an entire episode where Planned Parenthood spent $30 million bringing them to a clinic, showing about wellness and talking about their services. They've been great at getting their theme into movies and pop culture today."
Pop culture, Loeb said, is what drives social change, adding, "We have a president that got elected because of pop culture, right?”
“You want to affect change in America today, you have to go to pop culture; you have to spend the money,” he said.
The film has already experienced pushback. During an interview with Fox News last March, Loeb revealed that Facebook had blocked their efforts to promote the film. In another interview, he said that some actors even walked off the set and quit after finding out it would have a pro-life perspective.
Still, Loeb told CP he’s optimistic and hopes the film leads to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and educates the public on the devastating reality of abortion.
“I think things are changing today with the advent of technology and being able to see the baby's heartbeat within the first three weeks,” Loeb said. “Even millennials today and kids out of college are trending more toward life and toward the social conservative side of the life issue. I think so much of it is lack of education because I can't really think that anyone is that evil to think it's OK to kill a child. We really need a movie to educate.”
“We want to show that life begins at conception, period,” he added. “This movie is so important because people believe what they see, and we want to change hearts and minds.”
To help support the movie or for more information, visit "Roe v. Wade" movie.com.