Ryan Bomberger says prostate cancer is in remission: 'Miracles are worth waiting for'

Christian author and pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger has announced that his cancer is in remission.
Bomberger posted a video to his X account last week in which he said that he "heard the words from my surgeon that I’ve waited to hear for [three] months (since surgery): ‘You’re in remission.'”
“God is so good," Bomberger said. "You know when you’re in the middle of not just the physical battle but the spiritual battle, we don’t like to wait, right? But miracles are worth waiting for."
Before his surgery, even while he faced the unknown future of what having a cancer diagnosis could mean, Bomberger hasn't shied away from sharing how his faith encouraged him.
“For anyone who is dealing with something that you feel like, ‘This is impossible, how am I going to overcome?' Look, on this side of Heaven, we may not get the physical healing that we need, but, even in our physical struggles, there’s often the spiritual healing and the spiritual revitalization that we need — that I needed,” he said.
“God is so good, regardless of that physical miracle this side of Heaven or on the other side of Heaven. God is still so good, and He loves us, and we have to make the most of what our lives are here. Make the most of every single minute.”
In May, Bomberger wrote a column for The Christian Post in which he opened up about his diagnosis of Stage 2 prostate cancer accompanied by paraneural invasion, which meant the cancer could spread to the outer areas surrounding his prostate.
“I know God can heal on this side of Heaven. I know He can pre-empt any surgery (which is next week) with a miracle that would confound the doctors but confirm His Divine ability. Sometimes, no matter the mustard seed of faith, He chooses differently than our heart’s cry. I don’t understand it. I certainly didn’t when I lost my father at the height of COVID. Yet my entire life, I’ve seen how God works wondrously to turn tragedies into triumph,” he wrote in May.
Bomberger has continued to travel and speak on behalf of his organization, The Radiance Foundation, which he co-founded with his wife, Bethany Bomberger.
“Satan loves to work through fear. I refuse to be controlled by it. If I give up, he wins. … I’ve continued to fight culture-shaping issues on TV and in radio interviews. I’ve continued to speak boldly on social media,” Bomberger wrote.
“I have many, many more years of fight within me. My work through the Radiance Foundation will continue, just as passionately but differently, as we shift to creating more online content and traveling less. Most importantly, I’ll continue to be the husband and father my family needs.”
Nicole VanDyke is a reporter for The Christian Post.