10 violent acts, fatal crimes committed by trans activists: list

7. Richmond, Virginia – March 29, 2023
Activists disrupted an event on March 29 called “Lies Pro-Choice People Believe” at Virginia Commonwealth University. The event featured Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins and conservative speaker Isabel Brown. The coalition highlighted in its letter to the U.S. Department of Education that two violent trans activists were arrested during the incident.
The Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter on April 5 to the university president on behalf of SFLA and the pro-life campus group Students for Life VCU.
As CP previously reported, the letter highlighted how a crowd of protesters, some identifying themselves as members of the violent, far-left extremist group Antifa, blocked the doors to the venue before the event started. Protesters chanted things like “Fascists go home,” “Nazis go home” and “f--- pro-lifers” once the speakers started talking.
Campus police were called multiple times but the letter states that it took more than 27 minutes for them to respond, and, by then, “the protesters had turned violent” with the hostile group “continuing angry chants, destroying audio-visual equipment, and even shoving and assaulting numerous SFL-VCU members, including the group’s student leader and a staff member filming the event. EMTs were called to the scene, as multiple students sustained physical injuries.”
Samantha Kamman is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at: samantha.kamman@christianpost.com. Follow her on Twitter: @Samantha_Kamman