Youth pastor, 6th grade teacher used church Wi-Fi to download child porn: police

A youth pastor at Palatka Baptist Temple in Florida, who downloaded pornographic images from the church's Wi-Fi and uploaded images of himself and shared them with underage victims on several social media platforms has been arrested and charged with possession of child pornography and using a two-way communication device to facilitate a felony.
The former youth pastor, Edward Wilds III, 44, is also the son of Ed Wilds, Palatka Baptist Temple’s lead pastor. Calls to the church by The Christian Post on Monday went unanswered, but Sheriff H.D. ‘Gator’ DeLoach said during a press conference on Friday that investigators discovered some 54,000 images on accounts and devices associated with Wilds and most of them were pornographic.
“This is a clear-cut case of child sexual exploitation and I’m deeply troubled by the commission of such heinous crime in our hometown,” DeLoach said. “The exploitation and abuse of children is a despicable act that has no place in our society. Wilds’ behavior is disgusting, vile, and repugnant and I will not tolerate it in our county. Today’s arrest of Wilds for possession of child pornography serves as a stark reminder that we all have a responsibility to be vigilant in protecting our children from all forms of abuse.”
Detectives started tracking the youth pastor, who had served as an elementary school teacher in the Putnam County Schools for 11 years, after they were alerted to the possible distribution of child pornography through a cyber-tip from a social media site on May 22, 2022, police said in a statement. It was later discovered that Wilds had downloaded pornography images from Palatka Baptist Temple’s Wi-Fi after a Wednesday evening service.
He further revealed that one social media company had banned him several times. Detectives found he was asked by another user on the platform for images of children between the ages of 14-16 years old. He allegedly sent 42 images.
Detectives took possession of Wilds’ electronic devices in March and conducted a forensic download where they discovered among the images a male child exposing his genitals to the camera. Police alerted the Putnam County School District where Wilds was immediately suspended from his job at Middleton-Burney Elementary School.
On April 12, a probable cause affidavit was submitted to the state attorney’s office and a warrant for Wilds’ arrest was issued on Friday.
“It’s alarming and disappointing to share that Mr. Eddie Wilds, a teacher at Middleton-Burney Elementary School, is alleged to have engaged in activities that exploited children,” Rick Surrency, superintendent of Putnam County schools said at the press conference Friday.
Surrency said he was first alerted by police on March 14 that Wilds was being investigated and he “was immediately removed from the classroom and all school board property during which time we have been cooperating with the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.”
“Our first and foremost concern has been the protection of our students and since the notification of this investigation, Mr. Wilds has had no contact with Putnam County School District students,” he said.
Surrency said in the 11 years the youth pastor has served as a teacher he had no complaints or incidents of abuse reported against him. Still, he said, Wilds will remain on administrative leave pending a recommendation to the school board for his termination.
“At this time there is no indication that any of these allegations involve students of the Putnam County School District. All parents and students were notified of his arrest and counselors are available to all students and staff. This behavior should never occur but especially by someone who serves in an educational setting,” Surrency said.
“Those serving children are held to the highest standards and the Putnam County School District will continue to work closely with local law enforcement to keep our students safe.”
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