Andrew Rodriguez
Op-ed contributor
Why 'conversion therapy' is not coercive
Good therapy promotes freedom.
Conversion therapy v SAFE-T: Myths and same-sex attraction
What exactly is “conversion therapy” or the newer, broader term, “conversion practices”? What do the people using the term mean by it?
Conversion therapy myths harm same-sex attracted individuals (part 1)
I am the boogeyman. Yes, according to the LGBTQ+ activists and their sympathizers, I am the terror that haunts their dreams.
True compassion starts with truth
Compassion starts with affirming the truth of God’s design for us. Without that realization, we have no basis for identifying any disorder or sin, for sin is to miss the mark of God’s design and intention for us.
A Christian psychotherapist’s appeal to LGBT-affirming Christians
I’m a psychotherapist — a trauma-informed one to boot. In particular, I work with individuals with struggles over their sexuality.