Gracie Lee
Christian Post Contributor
Horsemeat Lawsuit: Judge Gives Go Ahead for Horse Slaughterhouse, Fit for Human Consumption
A horsemeat lawsuit has been thrown out by a judge in Albuquerque, after the lawsuit sought to block slaughterhouses from killing horses for human consumption.
Hot Dog Injury Lawsuit: Man Sues After Being Hit In Face By Kansas City Royals Mascot With Hot Dog
A hot dog injury lawsuit will be heard by the Missouri Supreme Court after a fan, John Coomer, was hit in the face with a hot dog in 2009 by a Kansas City Royals team mascot.
Arizona Missing Woman: 'Dead Body' Turns Out to Be 'Unspecified Evidence', Investigation Centers on Grandson (VIDEO)
In Arizona a missing woman is still missing with police now focusing their investigation on the 78 year old woman's grandson, who is believed to be the main person of interest in the case.
14-Pound Baby Photo Goes Viral: Utah Baby Biggest in US for 2013? (VIDEO)
A 14-pound baby has been born in Utah, with photos of the newborn going viral after being born to parents Sarah and Joel Brandon.
Crypto Locker Virus: Hackers Give Users 100 Hours to Pay Ransom for Malware Removal or Lose All Files
The Crypto Locker virus has been infecting thousands of computers across the country, with reports coming from across the world that the new malware virus has been infecting Windows PCs and holding users ransom.
Kraft Cheese Recall 2013: String Cheese Changing Color, Going Bad Before Expiry Date (VIDEO)
A Kraft cheese recall has been made after various varieties of the string cheese were found to spoil and change color even before the expiry date had reached.
New Sea Serpent Found: 14 Foot Oarfish Found on California Beach, 2nd in a Week (PHOTO)
A new sea serpent has been found on a Southern California beach this week, which is the second time in less than week that such a creature has been found by beach-goers.
Baby Born in Barnes & Noble in Los Angeles; Delivered by Firefighters Surrounded by Crowd of Shoppers
A baby has been born in a Barnes & Noble store in the Los Angeles area on Friday evening after going into labor as she went into the store to purchase some books.
NBC Cancels Shows 2013: Ironside and Welcome to the Family Axed by NBC
NBC has canceled 2 shows from its recent lineup, disappointing thousands of fans, who have expressed shock that their favorite programs will be pulled from broadcast immediately.
Air Marshal Arrested on Southwest Flight for Taking Photos Up Women's Skirts
A US air marshal has been arrested in Nashville after taking photos up women passengers' skirts and dresses as they boarded a plane, according to the Transportation Security Administration this week.