Harry R. Jackson, Jr.
Christian Post Guest Columnist
Envy or Inequality? – You Decide
As someone who is often asked to speak my opinion on radio or television, I know that sound bites can bring powerful results, either positive or negative. Take for example the words of Rev. Fred Lucas Jr., the chaplain for the New York City sanitation department, which he prayed at the recent inauguration of Mayor Bill de Blasio, "Let the plantation called New York City be the city of God, a city set upon the hill, a light shining in darkness."
Common Core: Wrong Way to Close the Gap
My parents taught me that education was one of the most important factors for my future. In fact, my father told me that he was giving me my inheritance early by paying my way to a fine institution like prestigious Williams College. And I have continued his legacy with my own daughters.
Marriage: A Matter of Money?
When my wife and I were first married, we had some tough times, just like many married couples. Our budget was often in the deficit column before we even began the month! As much as we were in love, money, or the lack of it, tried to consume our relationship. However, with God's help, we were able to use these times to build communication and strengthen our united resolve to press on to better times.
Marriage: The Real Fight Has Just Begun
Marriage is very important to me. Personally, it is a covenant that I made with my wife of over 35 years. It is a sacred trust between the two of us but it is more than that. Marriage plays a significant part in the health of our society and the future of our children. This is why I have fought so hard to preserve the traditional definition of marriage.
Don't Disrespect the Legacy of Dr. King
More than ever, I am respectful of those who paved the way for our American freedom. As a history buff, I have read stirring words from the founding fathers that have inspired me to work to maintain what they had first established. And as an African-American, I have received personal benefit from those who fought against slavery and later those who fought for my civil rights. These people may have had their flaws, but they are worthy of my respect.
Burglarizing Our Borders
If you only read the New York Times or the Washington Post, you might think that every evangelical Christian in the country is in favor of "comprehensive immigration reform." Major news outlets have reported extensively on so-called "pro-reform" evangelicals and their activities.
Recipe For Minority Success
Today's economic situation has hit my billfold…what about yours? With gas prices soaring and paychecks diminishing, I have been wondering; who has been eating my piece of the American pie?
My Obamacare Scare Is Personal
Ask a cancer patient about the need for affordable health care. The issue of healthcare quality is very personal to me. As a former cancer patient, I couldn't believe the out-of-pocket expenses that drastically affected my monthly budget! But affordable is only one aspect of the equation. Affordability should not produce poor quality. Yet it often does.
Abortion Clinics: When Closing a Business Makes Sense
Abortion has been a shadowy and divisive topic for decades, but that is changing. Americans are becoming increasingly pro-life, and this shift in sentiment has led to the closure of a record number of abortion clinics this year.
Religious Tolerance is Not Hate
In my new book, You Were Born for More, I give spiritual principles that will help any believer to have courage in an overwhelmingly negative environment and it will help them take a confident personal stand when persecution, mean-spiritedness and ridicule come their way. Why do we need these spiritual and emotional skills? Let me give you an example.