Napp Nazworth
Christian Post Reporter
Must Faithful Christians Believe in a Young Earth? A CP Interview With Christian Astronomer Hugh Ross
Must Christians who believe the scientific evidence for an old Earth also believe in a liberal reading of Scripture? This was one of the questions The Christian Post asked of Hugh Ross, whose book, A Matter of Days: Resolving a Creation Controversy, is now in a second, expanded edition.
Is Christian Decline in America Due to 'Fewer Incognito Atheists,' Like Russell Moore Said? CP Asked Pew Research for the Answer
The decline in Americans who identify as Christian shown by a new Pew report is mostly due to those with weak church ties no longer identifying as Christian, Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, recently wrote. Was he correct? The Christian Post contacted Pew Research Center to find out.
Is Prison the Fate for Christians Deemed Intolerant? Religious Freedom Champion Frank Wolf Asks Harvard Audience
Religious freedom champion and former Congressman Frank Wolf warned a Harvard audience that freedom of conscience is endangered in the United States and conservative Christians may have to engage in civil disobedience because their views are considered intolerant.
Obama Talks Importance of Fathers, Faith at Catholic-Evangelical Summit on Overcoming Poverty
President Barack Obama spoke Tuesday about the importance of faith and family during a panel discussion for the Catholic-Evangelical Summit on Overcoming Poverty at Georgetown University.
Christians Who Have Avoided the Culture Wars May No Longer Have a Choice With Religious Freedom in Jeopardy, Legal Scholar Says
Christians who have so far avoided controversial "culture war" issues will likely be pulled into those battles as their religious freedom becomes threatened due to gay marriage, Dr. John Inazu warned Monday.
Analysis: New Study Showing Survival Rates of 22-Week Fetuses Could Affect Late-Term Abortion Debate
A new study showing that the survival rates of pre-term babies at 22-weeks gestation vary greatly among hospitals could have political implications as the nation debates banning late-term abortions.
8 Pro-Life Groups to DC: We Will Not Obey Your Abortion Hiring Law
Representatives of eight pro-life organizations based in Washington, D.C. signed a joint statement saying they will not comply with a new law passed by the City Council that would prevent them from making hiring and firing decisions based upon an employee's position on abortion.
Analysis: Who Is Most Qualified to Be President?
Work experience should be an important factor when choosing a president. To help voters take political work experience into account, here's a ranking of the major current and potential presidential candidates.
Analysis: Who Is Intolerant, Hateful, Closed-Minded in Gay Marriage Debate? 3 Events Suggest an Answer
In three recent events, gay marriage activists are sending clear messages to both their opponents and their supporters who may transgress from their strict orthodoxy.
Analysis: Could the Supreme Court Compromise on Gay Marriage?
One line of questioning during Tuesday's oral arguments on gay marriage before the U.S. Supreme Court suggests a "wild card" compromise as one possible outcome.