Ray Nothstine
Christian Post Reporter
GOP Debate Sparks Anger at Establishment Republican Failures to Defund Planned Parenthood
Republican presidential candidates debated the best way to defund abortion giant Planned Parenthood, and whether a forced government shutdown would work or do more harm, at Wednesday night's debate on CNN.
Dads Are 'Absent Super Heroes' in Battle Against Sexual Exploitation, Says BYU Professor Tim Rarick
Sexual exploitation of children will never end unless fathers start taking a stand against pornography. But in a culture that promotes the over sexualization of youth, fathers are noticeably absent.
Sex Is Not Natural but Supernatural, Like Enriched Uranium, Says Christian Seminary President
The Church needs to talk more about sex, because the Bible teaches much about the subject, instead of avoiding hard issues like sexual brokeness and pornography addiction, says Dr. Richard Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in North Carolina, on Saturday.
Sexual Exploitation Summit Takes on Predatory Porn Industry and Victims of Child Porn
Clay Olsen, co-founder and CEO of Fight the New Drug, told hundreds gathered in Orlando for an anti-pornography conference that he's seeing hundreds of thousands of young people rising up to demand an end to sexual exploitation of women.
Porn Addiction Is a Public Health Crisis; Causes Violence, Sexual Dysfunction, Says Sexual Exploitation Summit Leader
The organizer of the three-day Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Summit in Orlando, Florida, says a major purpose of this weeks conference is to raise awareness of the importance of reframing porn addiction as a "public health crisis."
Ben Carson, Unlike Donald Trump, Can Name His Favorite Bible Verses
The top two Republican presidential candidates, Ben Carson and Donald Trump, traded barbs recently over favorite Bible verses and job creation.
5 Interesting Facts About the Christian Faith of Chris Christie
Before he was governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie was known as being a U.S. attorney who vigorously prosecuted political corruption, human trafficking, and terrorism.
So. Baptist IMB President David Platt Pens Open Letter on Why the SBC Is Sending Fewer Missionaries Out Into the Field
David Platt, the International Mission Board president for the Southern Baptist Convention, has penned an open letter to address cuts in funding to missions worldwide due to financial shortfalls.
FRC President Tony Perkins Calls on Kentucky Lawmakers to Protect Religious Liberty From Supreme Court Activism
Following the jailing of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins called on Kentucky lawmakers to accommodate those who adhere to a Christian understanding of marriage.
Will More Clerks Be Going to Jail? 2nd Christian Kentucky Clerk Defies Ruling to Issue Marriage Licenses to Gay Couples
At least one county clerk in Kentucky is protesting the jailing of Kim Davis, saying she "does not deserve to go to jail." Casey Davis, who is the county clerk for Casey County, says he will not issue same-sex marriage licenses either. The Casey County clerk is currently using his own vacation time to bike 400 miles from Pikeville to Paducah to protest the public persecution of Christians.