Ray Nothstine
Christian Post Reporter
Texas Student's Bomb Clock a Hoax? Ahmed Mohamed Raises Over $15K, Planning Trips to Mecca and White House
As public outrage grew amid reports of student Ahmed Mohamed's arrest for taking a homemade clock to school last week, new questions are emerging about the 14-year-old who became an international sensation and the authenticity of his clock.
Pope Francis Visits Little Sisters of the Poor to Show Solidarity in Fight Against Obamacare Birth Control Mandate
Pope Francis offered his support to the Little Sisters of the Poor in a quiet visit to a group of nuns fighting back against the Obama's administration's birth control mandate included in the Affordable Care Act.
Kim Davis May Go Back to Jail, Reveals What Has Caused Her the Most Pain
Kentucky ounty Clerk Kim Davis said that while she has been called "Hitler" and a "homophobe," words like that have not inflicted pain upon her like those questioning the sincerity of her faith.
Planned Parenthood Is Pushing Women to Choose Abortion, Says Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio
Presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., slammed Planned Parenthood Monday, accusing the nation's largest abortion provider of pushing women into abortions for the purpose of harvesting their babies' tissue for profit.
6 Interesting Facts About the Christian Faith of Rick Santorum
Former Senator Rick Santorum is well known for his devout Catholic faith. In the 2012 Republican Presidential Primary, Santorum scored big wins with many Evangelical voters and dominated a large part of the Deep South.
Pro-Life Leaders Split on Planned Parenthood Funding, Gov't Shutdown Strategy
Pro-life leaders are split over the best strategy to defund Planned Parenthood. While one of the goals for all right-to-life groups is removal of government funding of the popular abortion provider, some support votes only on stand-alone bills that are unlikely to lead to a government shutdown over the Planned Parenthood issue.
7 Notable Figures in the Fight Against Porn and Sexual Exploitation
Numerous people are waging war in the fight against pornography and its negative impact on mainstream culture that's seeping into the Church. The Christian Post is highlighting just seven notable figures who are combating the pervasive porn culture that's hurting families and destroying lives.
Cosmopolitan Magazine Lands on Sexual Exploitation 'Dirty Dozen' List; Pushes BDSM Sex on Underage Girls
Victoria Hearst, granddaughter of media legend William Randolph Hearst, has slammed Cosmopolitan magazine for its pornographic content and disdain for Christians, especially those who adhere to biblical values.
Planned Parenthood Supporters Want to Jail, Financially Destroy Undercover Sting Video Producer, Lawyer Warns
Tom Brejcha, an attorney for the Thomas More Society, said anti-abortion activist and Center For Medical Progress founder David Daleiden is facing aggressive lawsuits for his undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood, and their end goal is to put him in jail and "destroy him financially."
Donald Trump Flip-Flops on Fiorina's Face: 'She Has a Beautiful Face'
While the prime time GOP debate saw plenty of cut downs and barbs traded among the top candidates vying for the Republican nomination, Donald Trump retreated in his criticism of Carly Fiorina's appearance.