Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman

CP Guest Contributor

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Lancaster, California, just North of Los Angeles. Shane's sermons, articles, books, and radio program can all be found at or He is the author of Feasting & Fasting, If My People, Desperate for More of God, and Help! I'm Addicted. Follow him on Facebook at: You can also follow Pastor Shane on the new free speech platform Parler


  • Will you pay the price for a national awakening?

    Will you pay the price for a national awakening?

    My brief exhortation drove home the fact that America crossed a dangerous line years ago. Instead of repenting and turning back to God, we have walked further into the deep waters of ungodliness. The decadence and brutality in our streets are unparalleled in our history. Despair and depression reign in our land. But — believe it or not — I am hopeful.

  • Another high profile Christian walks away. What's going on?

    Another high profile Christian walks away. What's going on?

    A headline this week has many people scratching their head: Former Desiring God writer Paul Maxwell announces he's no longer Christian. How can this happen?

  • A battle cry for a dead church

    A battle cry for a dead church

    As I recently stated, America’s stage-four cancer is progressing at an alarming rate (you can read the prognosis here). The warning is dire, and the outcome looks hopeless. The signs of impending death are most evident in our pulpits and our pews:

  • Why revival is America’s only hope!

    Why revival is America’s only hope!

    Revival is not adding more church services to the calendar. Revival is not having a guest speaker host an event. And revival most certainly is not acting weird and loud

  • Cancel culture: The most dangerous virus infecting the Church today

    Cancel culture: The most dangerous virus infecting the Church today

    I am not especially surprised by the actions of the world; it is simply being true to its fallen nature. Rather, it’s the actions of the so-called church that are disturbing. In 2020, the cancel culture in the church became a reality for me.

  • Why I disagree with John MacArthur: I would fight for religious freedom

    Why I disagree with John MacArthur: I would fight for religious freedom

    I understand where he is coming from, but shouldn't we defend our freedom to worship Jesus when given the opportunity? And isn't that what he and other pastors like myself, Jack Hibbs, and Rob McCoy are doing by staying open during the pandemic . . . exercising and defending religious freedom? 

  • Are you on the verge of wrecking your life?

    Are you on the verge of wrecking your life?

    Too many are choosing therapy over obedience, counseling over conduct, and talking over doing. An African pastor was asked, “Why is there so much counseling in the American church but not in the African church?” He responded, “In America you counsel; in Africa we repent.” Well said.

  • How to rest in turbulent times

    How to rest in turbulent times

    What many need is a spiritual reset. Reset means to take something back to zero or to renew.

  • America — what happened? From failed prophecies to collapse

    America — what happened? From failed prophecies to collapse

    Turmoil, chaos, and confusion are running rampant, and that’s an understatement. Those in the charismatic community are wondering how the “prophets” missed it, and conservative Christians are asking, “Why did God allow this election to end like this?”

  • Thunderous applause — We can kill our children and change our sex

    Thunderous applause — We can kill our children and change our sex

    Regardless of your political views, we should all be heartbroken at the state of our nation today.