5 Reactions to Tragic End of Charlie Gard Case
The Parents

In a statement read to media in London, the parents explained that treatment would no longer work at this point and that they will "let our son go to be with the angels."
"This is one of the hardest things that we will ever have to say and we are about to do the hardest thing that we'll ever have to do, which is to let our beautiful little Charlie go," stated the parents, as reported by the Independent.
"Put simply, this is about a sweet, gorgeous innocent little boy who was born with a rare disease who had a real genuine chance at life and a family who loved him so very dearly. And that's why we fought so hard for him."
The parents noted that a "lot of time has been wasted" because Charlie was "left to just lie in hospital for months without any treatment whilst lengthy court battles have been fought."
"Tragically having had Charlie's medical notes reviewed by independent experts, we now know had Charlie been given the treatment sooner, he would have had the potential to be a normal healthy little boy," added his parents.