Andy Stanley talks politics ahead of 2020 election; 4 interesting takeaways
Jesus does not belong to one political party

During the Jan. 26 sermon, Stanley cautioned against trying to fit Christianity into any one political party platform, Republican or Democrat.
“The issue Christians need to wrestle to the ground is not which party to be a part of,” said Stanley. “The issue that every Jesus follower has to wrestle to the ground is this: are we willing to put our faith filter ahead of our political filter?”
“We do the world a huge disfavor when we wrap our political ideologies with the teachings of Jesus and everybody tries to do this.”
He went on to warn that “when we edit, when we parse, and when we filter Jesus to fit a party platform, we rob the world … of the message that changed the world.”
“We cannot be first and foremost party people. We must be Kingdom people who are willing to influence our parties.”