Hillary Once Thought Abortion Was Wrong

Granted, it was when she was first lady. And admittedly, she didn't think we should do anything about the wrong of abortion. But she did say it. Hillary Clinton told Newsweek Magazine she thought "abortion is wrong" (October 31, 1994).
What is significant here is that she said it even once. It is important because this is a major reason why Barack Obama and not Hillary Clinton is our president today.
Despite her nearly 100% record of backing abortion in healthcare, in international diplomacy, in education institutions, she had that one brief episode of doubt. It is wrong, she said.
Barack Obama has never said abortion is wrong. Far from it. He put stealthy abortion coverage provisions in his signature healthcare legislation. Now it is virtually impossible for Americans to find health insurance that does not force them to subsidize the killing of unborn children.
The President defends abortion in every case. He even killed a bill in the Illinois Senate that would have protected infants who survive abortion attempts.
He did not want Illinois children who had been lethally attacked to have the protections of the U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment. That vital amendment — so important in U.S. history, so essential to the vindication of the civil rights of all Americans, but especially of black Americans — would not apply in the Land of Lincoln. And that is because Barack Obama intervened decisively to kill the bill.
When an identical bill was being debated in the U.S. Congress, then-Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., joined other liberals in not opposing it. The Born-Alive Infant Protection Act presented otherwise zealous promoters of abortion with a horrible dilemma: Can we really say we don't want to give medical treatment to a child struggling to survive after a botched abortion?
That would have put them in the position of defending horrific practices. How many thrashing, gasping newborns are quietly killed or allowed to die in this country?
We came to know an example of these horrors in the trial of Kermit Gosnell. In that abortionist's filthy Philadelphia facility, it was "raining fetuses," there was "blood everywhere," and white women got the clean sheets.
Gosnell was convicted of murder and is serving a life sentence. No longer will he be able to joke that "this one is big enough to walk me to the bus." And there were acres of empty seats in the media section of that trial. Nothing to see here, folks. Move on!
No, no, those liberal lawmakers could not defend killing live-born infants by "snip, snipping" their spinal cords. Even if their "pro-choice" philosophy told them that the right to an abortion is the right to an effective abortion and that implies the right to a dead baby. The abortion zealots in Congress never wanted to be put in the position of publicly saying these things.
So, at the federal level, at least, they stepped aside and let the Infant Born-Alive Protection Act pass. Hillary then joined with her fellow liberals in allowing this one small crack in the Berlin Wall of the abortion license to appear. President George W. Bush duly signed the legislation.
Hillary Clinton has never been pressed on her 1994 Newsweek quote. Did she really think abortion was wrong then? If so, why did her health care plan of that year include a provision forcing every U.S. county to provide abortion facilities?
If she thought it was wrong, why did she, as Mr. Obama's Sec. of State, help to pressure pro-life Kenya to put the abortion license in their new constitution? Why did she tongue lash Prime Minister Harper's Canadian government for not including abortion in its humanitarian aid to mothers and newborn children in East Africa? Come on, Madam Secretary, don't black lives matter?
Fast forward to 2015. We see a huge scandal with one of Planned Parenthood's minions speaking on camera about "crushing" skulls of unborn children so as to leave intact their livers, lungs, and kidneys. These are merchandise, after all. We see another of their malefactors bargaining for the best price for the organs of unborn children because she wants to drive a Lamborghini.
Hillary Clinton's reaction to all this? The outfit that beheads 800 unborn children every day and that traffics in the organs of the later term infants has been caught. Its operatives are shown chattering merrily over glasses of red wine. They discuss the scavenging of the organs of the unborn children as if they were working for an auto parts dealer. It's as if they were merely cannibalizing carburetors and automatic transmissions.
Now, Hillary Clinton races to defend the evil enterprise whose support she will need if she is to attain her lifetime goal. Her announcement video said she has "fought women and children all her life." Her harried staff leaped to say that was a typo. They meant she fought for women and children all her life.
But her reaction to these horrific videos shows her staff got it right the first time: What she has written she has written.