Kirk Cameron shares first time his adopted daughter met her birth mom who became a Christian

Kirk Cameron's eldest daughter, Isabella, met her birth mother for the first time last year, the actor recently told The Christian Post, celebrating that her decision to choose life eventually led to her following Christ.
In an interview with CP promoting the film “Lifemark,” a true story about adoption, Cameron shared details about his family's experience with adoption.
"It was really cool for me as an adoptive dad to play the adopted father in the movie,” he said.
“Lifemark” tells the story of an 18-year-old girl who decides to carry her pregnancy to term and give her baby up for adoption. A family who could not have their own children adopted the baby boy. Eighteen years later, when the birth mother comes back into the boy’s life, they're forced to deal with the mother’s decision to give him up when she was a teenager.
“The movie really does go into what was this is like for the mother who was struggling with this choice about what to do, not only for herself but for her baby. How did the boyfriend react to all of this? What were his struggles? What about the adoptive parents? How did they feel about their son wanting to meet his birth mother and his birth father? How would that change their relationship? All of this is in the movie,” Cameron said before sharing his family's experience when Isabella met her birth mother for the first time.
"My wife and I were thrilled when our daughter Isabella had the opportunity, this last Mother's Day, to connect with her birth mother for the first time.”

Isabella had “almost been aborted three times before her mother realized that everything standing in the way of her abortion appointment was the hand of God, leading her to choose life for her baby girl.”
Isabella spent Mother's Day weekend with her biological mother with the blessing of Cameron and his wife, Chelsea.
"It reads like a storybook,” he said, praising God that her mother eventually started attending church and came to faith in the Lord.
"She loves Bella. She loved her from the moment she chose life and placed her for adoption and now she loves Jesus, and they have a chance to share their whole story together,” he testified.
“Lifemark,” which is now available to watch on blu ray, DVD and on Pure Flix, marks the first time Cameron and the Kendrick brothers had reunited on a project since collaborating on the 2008 film “Fireproof.”
Cameron, who was on the popular sitcom "Growing Pains," was a guest speaker at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., last year.
During his remarks, he spoke about the film: “I hope that you have a chance ... to see the movie ‘Lifemark’ that is based on a true story. It is a story that is so much better than anything we ever could have scripted.”
“The makers of ‘Fireproof,’ ‘Courageous’ and ‘War Room’ and I have teamed up to bring this film that highlights the value and preciousness of life in the womb and the beauty of adoption,” he added. “This issue of life is very personal for me. My wife is an adopted child. Chelsea was one doctor appointment away from not existing. Our first four children are also adopted. ... If my wife, Chelsea, had not been born, our two [biological] children would not exist either.”
"My six children and my wife are here as a result of loving, compassionate and courageous people like you who are marching today at the March for Life."
Cameron was also an executive producer for “Lifemark.”
Jeannie Ortega Law is a reporter for The Christian Post. Reach her at: She's also the author of the book, What Is Happening to Me? How to Defeat Your Unseen Enemy Follow her on Twitter: @jlawcp Facebook: JeannieOMusic