Tim Tebow Disagrees With Controversial Colin Kaepernick's Fidel Castro Comments

Tim Tebow believes comments like San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's praising of former Cuban president Fidel Castro may be separating more people than bringing them together.
Last week, Kaepernick wore a t-shirt with scenes featuring a meeting between Castro, who died last week, and civil rights activist Malcolm X. According to Palm Beach Post reports, the NFL star told one reporter that Castro invested more time in education than mass incarceration in the way the United States does.
"We do break up families here," Kaepernick responded. "That's what mass incarceration is. That was the foundation of slavery, so our country has been based on that as well as the genocide of Native Americans."
When Tebow appeared on "Fox & Friends" Monday, he was questioned about Kaepernick.
"What we need right now is bringing people together in this country more than separating people," Tebow responded about the NFL QB's stance. "I just think for me, my goal has always been able to bring faith, hope and love to people, especially in their darkest hours of need. I think what we need right now is bringing people together in this country more than separating people, so that's my goal."
While Tebow does not often publicly involve himself in political matters, he did publicly call for unity in the midst of racial tensions last summer.
"We all matter. So let's come together on that, let's unite on that, forget about our quarrels and differences and let's come together [as] one nation under God," the 29-year-old University of Florida Gators champion said in an Instagram video. "That should matter that He loves you. He has a plan for your life. God bless you and God bless America."
The NFL star turned professional baseball hopeful spoke about God having a plan for everybody in the nation.
"I love our country and I would do anything for America. One thing that I love most is that it's one nation under God," he said. "Do you know what that means? It means that you matter, God has a plan for your life and that every single person is significant."
At the Together 2016 gathering organized by Pulse and its founder Nick Hall earlier this year, Tebow went on to challenge people to love one another.
"I am going to challenge you to love every single person in your life. I am going to challenge you to love your husband, your wife, to love your kids, to love your families, to love your communities, to love your neighbors, to love every single person you come in contact with," he said. "When we love Jesus and we love people, we are going to make a difference and make an impact. If this body of people right here decides that we are going to take on that challenge to love people and love Jesus with everything that we have, we can change our communities, we can change our neighborhoods, we can change the Kingdom of God."