Why Genuine Miracles Don't Sway Every Unbeliever
Some people simply refuse to be swayed in the direction of Christianity, even in the face of an obvious miracle. But that really shouldn't surprise us. There were people who personally witnessed the miracles of Christ, and yet still managed to persist in their unbelief. They dug in their heels even in the presence of God's supernatural demonstrations. And if they could cling to their unbelief with the Messiah standing right in front of them, anyone can do it.

Make no mistake about it. Unbelief is one tough customer.
You have probably heard about Pharaoh in the days of Moses. God performed signs and wonders, and yet Pharaoh wouldn't budge. His unbelief was stronger than his willingness to be swayed by supernatural events. The Lord turned water to blood, but Pharaoh resisted. The Lord brought frogs, gnats, and flies. Pharaoh still wouldn't give in. As the plagues continued, Pharaoh's heart seemed to get harder. How can that be?
It just goes to show that the greatest miracle of all takes place when a person repents of his sin and places his faith in Jesus Christ. Nothing can top that miracle in the heart of man, and yet many today remain oblivious to their need for a Savior. Some of them even choose to deny anything supernatural in an attempt to soften the weight of evidence all around us. Miracles take place everyday, and this becomes a rather heavy load for the person who feels he must come up with some alternate explanation for the supernatural occurrences of life.
Sadly, there are those who will only accept the reality of God after they stand before Him on Judgment Day. Only then will they come to believe that God truly exists, and that man is accountable to God. They currently refuse to accept what they cannot see, and so they will come to acknowledge the supernatural only after they are brought face to face with their Judge.
And while this isn't a movie, it does in fact have an alternate ending. There is a happy way for this to play out in your life, as well as a tragic way for it to culminate. Your personal ending hangs in the balance. There is still time for you to come into God's good graces. So will you? Will you humble yourself before your Creator and receive His gift of salvation? Or instead, will you continue to be your own god, as if that is somehow going to protect you from the consequences of your sin?
If you want to see a miracle, just look through a telescope and examine the galaxies. Or gaze into the face of a smiling child. Or better yet, consider what the Bible says about the love of God as demonstrated at the cross. Those are just a few examples of supernatural miracles. Are you open to where those miracles can lead you? Or did you close your mind to God and miracles a long time ago?
The sinfulness of man leaves him with many problems, not the least of which is his inability to celebrate genuine miracles. Instead, man settles for something far less. He will celebrate athletic victories, financial victories, and job promotions. But not the stuff that matters most. Namely, the stuff related to his soul and his Creator. The sinfulness of man messes with his priorities, and it leaves him chasing after things which will only disappoint in the end.
And while everyone would admit to wanting their life to end well, many people simply have no idea what it means to be accepted by God on account of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. They are blind to that reality, and so they live life pursuing other things which they hope will make them happy. Without divine revelation, we would all end up doing the same thing. Going our own way. Trying to make it end well. But never really knowing whether or not God is real, and if so, how to be accepted and loved by Him.
My guess is that you have seen plenty of miracles in your life which point to God's existence. Now whether you will "follow the yellow brick road" so to speak and open your heart to Christ and His cross, well that is another matter altogether.
The biggest mystery of salvation is that some "get it," and others don't. But rather than ending up on the wrong side of that mystery, you could choose to bypass the confusion and move straight to belief. It's a great place to land. It gives your life meaning, and it provides you with eternal assurance. But don't take my word for it. Instead, trust the One who rose from the dead. The miracle of His resurrection, as well as your response, is the key to whether or not your own resurrection one day will be a happy one.
You can be swayed by genuine miracles, or not. But if not, don't think your unbelief is going to bring comfort to another soul. The most it will do is give another unbeliever one more example of how to live without God. And anyone who dies in the state of unbelief lives to regret it.
Did you catch that? Those who die without faith in Jesus certainly live to regret it. And the clock is ticking ever closer to your personal appointment with the One who will judge your actions on earth. Whether you realize it or not, that day is methodically and prophetically approaching.
It doesn't take a miracle to reject God. Just a skeptical mind and a closed heart. So are you ready to get on the path of heavenly miracles? Only the Holy Spirit can place you on that path, and only the Son of God can keep you there. Repent and believe the good news of salvation through faith in Christ and His cross. It's the one way to reach God.
Or are you the only person on the planet who doesn't need God?
Come to think of it, life is terribly boring if you remove the Creator from the equation. Unless of course man convinces himself that he is no longer bored with his unbelief. Does that describe you? If so, I don't buy it for a second. And one day, one way or another, you won't either.