Carl R. Trueman
Voices Contributor
Why atheism can’t fight gender ideology
The simple assertion that “biology is true” sidesteps the critical question of why we should grant biology, particularly that of certain aspects of the human body, such decisive significance in the first place.
Why I am not a Catholic
Such a person, rooted in the transcendent, would always fear the wrath of God more than the op-eds of men.
Do you think that children born by IVF are human beings?
Ask about the moral problems of IVF and surrogacy and one is often greeted with confused looks.
For Church to be relevant, it must avoid childish things
Lose the Gospel, return to childishness; this seems to be the order of the day.
Suicide pods and the trivialization of death
This is not a trivial development, for it goes to the heart of the deepest questions of existence.
We need good Protestant ethicists
In the space of a few decades, the moral intuitions of society have not simply parted company with those of Christianity — they have come to stand in direct opposition to many of them.
Trump-ite evangelicalism or Biden-ist Catholicism?
Which is more threatening? Trumpite “evangelicalism” or Biden’s brand of “devout” Catholicism?
Cultural collapse: When we can't agree on what it means to be human
Ours is a time of anthropological crisis when we as a society cannot agree on what it means to be human.
Desecration at St. Patrick's cathedral
Desecrating the cathedral is not the only thing they should be ashamed of.
Can Christians attend gay weddings?
Attending a gay wedding involves remaining silent when one should speak.