Napp Nazworth
Christian Post Reporter
Marco Rubio Answers 12 Christian Post Questions for Every Presidential Candidate
The Christian Post invited all the presidential candidates of both major parties to answer the same set of 12 questions. Here are Marco Rubio's answers.
Conservative Evangelical Author Matt Lewis on Trump, Evangelicals and Stupid Republicans (Interview)
How did the Republican Party become the "stupid party" and what can be done to change it? In Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Betrayed the Reagan Revolution to Win Elections (and How It Can Reclaim Its Conservative Roots), conservative columnist Matt Lewis offers answers.
Ben Carson Answers 12 Christian Post Questions for Every Presidential Candidate
The Christian Post invited all the presidential candidates of both major parties to answer the same set of 12 questions. Here are Ben Carson's answers.
Trump Saying 'Two Corinthians' Doesn't Matter; His Heresy Does
While there has been much ballyhoo about the fact that Donald Trump said "Two" instead of "Second" Corinthians in his Liberty University speech, how he used the verse in a political speech is more problematic.
Barack Obama, Nikki Haley Both Attack Trump in SOTU and Response
President Barack Obama and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley both attacked Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump during Tuesday night's State of the Union address and the Republican response.
Nikki Haley's GOP Response to Obama's SOTU (Video and Transcript)
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley delivered the Republican response to President Barack Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address.
Larycia Hawkins' Theological Statement Following 'Same God' Controversy
Before Wheaton College suspended professor Larycia Hawkins after saying Christians and Muslims "worship the same God," Hawkins wrote a statement to Provost Stanton Jones reaffirming her commitment to the school's statement of faith.
Why Are Democrats Concerned About White People All of a Sudden?
"These Trump supporters are horrible; how do we get their vote?" is the contradictory message heard from various Democratic corners these days.
Carly Fiorina Answers 12 Christian Post Questions for Every Presidential Candidate
The Christian Post invited all the presidential candidates of both major parties to answer the same set of 12 questions. Here are Carly Fiorina's answers.
Can You Glorify God as an Economist? Arthur Brooks on Religion, Economics and Poverty
If your purpose in life is to glorify God, why become an economist? Christian economist Arthur Brooks answered this question at a November Faith Angle Forum.