Napp Nazworth
Christian Post Reporter
Don't Blame Us. Evangelicals Led the Opposition to Trump.
Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, despite the efforts of his strongest opponents — evangelical Christians.
How Both Barack Obama and Donald Trump Inadvertently Help ISIS
Both President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump use overly-simplistic rhetoric about Islamic extremism that is harmful, Imam Abdullah Antepli argued at Faith Angle Forum.
Two Possible Futures for Evangelical Churches, According to Christian Philosopher James K.A. Smith
In our new secular age, there are two possible trajectories for evangelical churches, Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith argued at Faith Angle Forum.
Same-Sex Parents Get Angry, Bothered by Their Kids More Than Opposite-Sex Parents, Study Finds
Mothers in same-sex parenting households are more likely to feel bothered by and angry at their children, and believe their children are harder to care for than most other children, according to an academic study.
Rise of Donald Trump Due to Desire for Strongman, Christian Philosopher Says
Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith suggested a connection between secularization and Donald Trump at a March Faith Angle Forum.
John Kasich Has a Religious Freedom Problem
For all the talk about the Republican presidential candidate and Ohio governor being a "moderate," Kasich is an extremist, more akin to President Barack Obama, on religious freedom.
Analysis: How Bernie Sanders Could Become Our Next President
As crazy as this sounds, Americans could "feel the bern" and elect democratic socialist Bernie Sanders as our next president. Here's how.
The Split Between Ted Cruz Evangelicals and Marco Rubio Evangelicals: 5 Theories
In the Republican presidential race, what differentiates the evangelicals supporting Ted Cruz from the evangelicals supporting Marco Rubio? It's complicated. Here are five theories.
Analysis: Who Can Win the Presidency?
There are now six candidates who could be our next president.
Jeb Bush Answers 12 Christian Post Questions for Every Presidential Candidate
The Christian Post invited all the presidential candidates of both major parties to answer the same set of 12 questions. Here are Jeb Bush's answers.