Napp Nazworth
Christian Post Reporter
Why I'm Voting for Evan McMullin for President
Evan McMullin is the only conservative in this race. A Hillary Clinton presidency would be bad for the country. A Donald Trump presidency would be bad for the country and additionally do long-term harm to the cause of conservatism. The best choice for president is to back Evan McMullin and work to build a new conservative movement.
Why Voting 3rd Party or Independent Isn't a Waste
"If you vote for a third party or independent candidate, you're just wasting your vote," is one of the phrases so often repeated it's assumed true. Not only is it false, but assuming it's true weakens our democratic institutions.
3 Reasons Hillary Clinton Is a Pro-Abortion Extremist
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton positioned herself as a moderate on abortion for much of her career, but now holds the most extreme positions on abortion of any presidential candidate ever.
Why Evangelicals Shouldn't Vote for Trump
The editors of The Christian Post recently explained why we, and Evangelicals in general, are split on whether to vote for Trump. Evangelicals shouldn't vote for the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, we argue, but the Trump option is more complicated.
Paula White on Donald Trump's Christian Faith (Exclusive Interview)
In an exclusive interview with The Christian Post, Pastor Paula White talks about Donald Trump's faith and why she supports him for president. She also responds directly to the many Christians who either don't support Trump or are still unsure of who to vote for this November.
How to Stump a Liberal: Are Sex Chromosomes Real?
If you enjoy stumping your liberal friends, ask, "are sex chromosomes real?" and watch them squirm.
Sex Assault Is Extension of Campus Culture, James Davison Hunter Says
The culture of college campuses contributes to their sexual assault problems, argued University of Virginia sociologist James Davison Hunter.
Many Muslims Think US 'Has Gone Completely Insane' Over Transgender Bathroom Issues, Muslim Leader Says
Peaceful Muslims who live outside the United States think American society "has gone completely insane" over LGBT issues, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf said on a Monday panel hosted by the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.
If Intolerant Liberals Succeed, 'Conservatives Should Be Very Afraid,' Expert Says (Interview)
Conservatives would have much to fear if intolerant liberals succeed in their goal of transforming America, says Kim R. Holmes, author of The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left.
Obama Doesn't Care What You Think: Obey or You Will Be Punished
Liberals are now totally fed up with deliberative democracy. The message is clear: "Obey, or you will be punished."