Thomas Jipping
Op-ed contributor
Biden’s big abortion lie in his State of the Union address
The Women’s Health Protection Act would squelch even those meager attempts to protect human beings in the womb. Democrats’ bill would prohibit any government — federal, state, or local — from taking any action that could, even potentially, reduce the likelihood of abortion.
Since when does freedom from discrimination require destroying religious freedom?
Demanding that a civil right advancing a particular political interest always must defeat this constitutional right turns our basic constitutional principles — and, yes, even the definition of a pluralistic society — inside out.
Chemical abortion is next pro-life battlefield
Abortion drugs not only kill babies in the womb, and can harm their mothers, but are isolating women and undermining the necessary relationship between patients and doctors. In the 118th Congress, pro-life legislators must tackle this problem and limit the damage.
Biden wants to, in his words, ‘eviscerate the Senate’
Bipartisanship is great — until it isn’t. Democrats today have the narrowest combined House and Senate majority in American history, and the party’s left wing is defining its agenda.