6 Horrific Terror Attacks, Church Bombings and Beheadings of Christians in 2017
5. 48 Christians killed in 9 days in Nigeria

The Fulani attacks on believers continued throughout 2017, though one particular nine-day period in October saw as many as 48 Christians massacred in separate incidents.
Church elder Dauda Samuel Kadiya of the Evangelical Church Winning All in Zanwrua explained how the Fulani broke through doors and destroyed houses and churches in the village.
"Every one of us ran to save his life," Kadiya recalled. "I was shot at, but the bullet only bruised my hand."
Agado Aura, a Roman Catholic, explained the the herdsmen smashed through windows and went door to door hunting for people.
"Having set fire on my house, they went to the next house and did the same. They continued burning houses until they were done, before they left," he said.
The Rev. Andrew Okebe, the zonal coordinator of Christian Association of Nigeria, Miango District, spoke of another attack on an elementary school, where a number of women and children were killed while trying to hide from the terrorists.