Napp Nazworth
Christian Post Reporter
Is Obama Waging War on Stay-at-Home Moms?
A tax proposal in President Barack Obama's State of the Union address led to a pundit debate over whether government does, or should, give preference to stay-at-home versus work-outside-home parents. The debate itself is a helpful illustration of the different views conservatives and liberals hold about government.
You Thought Conservatives Were Moralistic? Liberal Rules for Political Correctness Are Repressive, Exhausting, Liberal Author Complains
While conservatives are often considered moralistic to a fault, liberal moralism has become so repressive that some liberals now fear everyday conversations.
Sociologists: 'Christianophobia,' Anti-Christian Hostility Infects Powerful Elite Subculture (Interview)
A small, but elite group of Americans demonstrate signs of anti-Christian hostility, sociologists David Williamson and George Yancey claim in their new book, "So Many Christians, So Few Lions: Is There Christianophobia in the United States?"
Mormon Church: We Vow to Fight for LGBT Rights, but Don't Trample Our Religious Freedom; So. Baptist Leader Says LDS Is 'Naive'
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the Mormon Church, announced Tuesday it would back legal efforts to protect LGBT people from discrimination along with religious freedom protections. This middle ground approach is consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ, church leaders said.
Interview: 'The Americans' Producers Say Christian Conversion Story Will 'Continue to Play Prominently' in Season 3
The storyline of a character becoming a Christian in FX's "The Americans" will continue to play a prominent role in season three, which premieres Wednesday, the show's producers told The Christian Post.
Interview: Mike Huckabee on Common Core and Running for President (Part 3)
Common Core is a "good idea gone bad," Mike Huckabee wrote in his new book, _God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy. He explained what he meant by that in a Monday interview with the Christian Post, and talked about his plans for a presidential run in 2016 and why he wrote the book.
Nancy Pelosi, Liberals Admit 'Obamacare' Funds Abortion, Now That Republicans Voted to Strip Funding
Even though pro-lifers were criticized for saying that "Obamacare" funds abortion, some liberals, including House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, are now complaining about Obamacare abortion funding that the U.S. House voted to remove Thursday.
Interview: Mike Huckabee on 'Bend Over' Comment Criticized as Prison Rape Joke, Charlie Hebdo Cartoons (Part 2)
Mike Huckabee addressed criticism over writing, "bend over and take it like a prisoner," in a chapter on privacy in his new book, and talked about whether media organizations should publish Charlie Hebdo cartoons after the terrorist attack on the satirical magazine's headquarters.
SOTU Analysis: Was Obama's First Six Years as Successful as He Claimed?
The overarching theme of President Barack Obama's Tuesday State of the Union Address was that his first six years as president have been a success. Do his claims match reality?
Interview: Mike Huckabee on Evangelicals Who Divorce, Beyoncé and Ted Nugent (Part 1)
The decline of marriage is not simply a problem of same-sex marriage, it is also caused by Christians who abandoned the importance of lifetime commitment in marriage, Mike Huckabee wrote in his new book, God, Guns, Grits and Gravy. He spoke more about that and answered some criticisms he has received over a passage about Beyoncé in a Monday interview with The Christian Post.