Rod Anderson
CP Cartoonist
A Christian family torn apart in Norway
A child welfare court in Norway has awarded custody of three American children who were removed from their parents’ ...
Bringing education back to America's inmates
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos on Monday endorsed a legislative effort backed by evangelical prison ministry ...
When children become consumer products
This story has everything … Reproductive technology? Check! Same-sex union? Check! Autism? Check! Lawsuits? Check! The ...
Where's the respect for clergy these days?
My pastor recently told me that 25 years ago, the first person that people would contact when they faced a marriage crisis was their pastor. Ten years ago, he continued, it was their counselor or psychiatrist. Today, it’s their lawyers.
Staying strong for the work of Christ
For they all wanted to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will drop from the work, and it will not be done.” But now, O God, strengthen my hands." Nehemiah 6:9 (ESV)
The dystopian future of 'social credit'
China's "social credit" system, a high-tech operation that tracks and assigns points in relation to the daily activities and behavior choices of its citizens, is being developed in Silicon Valley.
Holding to faith when medical bills pile up
In the blink of an eye, a medical condition can impact finances in ways we never imagined.
Looks like Chick-fil-A is still in business!
To the consternation of the haters and antichristian bigots, “Chick-fil-A is officially America's favorite fast food restaurant.”
Pro-life, pro-choice and God's word
If someone asks, “Is God pro-choice or pro-life?” they are usually asking in reference to the issue of abortion. But if we step outside of social and political discussions, the question goes a lot deeper.
Bringing peace to veterans through ministry
A former police officer-turned-psychologist has revealed his Bible-based insights on how war veterans struggling with ...