11 featured guests at President Trump's 2020 State of the Union address

President Donald Trump delivered his third State of the Union address Tuesday night before a joint session of Congress, honoring several Americans for their contributions and sacrifices that have helped make the United States and the world a better place.
While Trump’s speech touched on several things that his administration has done and plans to do as his first term comes to a close in 2021, the president made sure to pause and give recognition to Americans who have their own stories of hardship and perseverance.
Those honored by the president ranged in age from a 100-year-old Tuskegee airman to a 2-year-old born after just 21 weeks of pregnancy. Surprises were also in abundance as a Presidential Medal of Freedom was awarded and a scholarship was given away.
In the following pages are 11 featured guests honored during Trump’s 2020 State of the Union address.
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