Understanding your spiritual battle has already begun
Some Christians are surprised to find that this life as a follower of Jesus is not a cakewalk. In fact, it’s a conflict.
When politics becomes your religion
I bet you think this could never happen to you.
Why should churches and church leaders be in politics?
Sadly, churches that try to stay out of politics can be easily misled.
Abortion, exploitation and the DNC’s American Dream
Democrats want everyone to believe that abortion is magic and cures all things tragic.
To Hell with the devil
How do you eat up someone who God protects as His child?
Being pro-Life: The long road ahead
May God give us the wisdom and perseverance to keep our nation from continuing the practice of child sacrifice which they emphatically call abortion.
Why do the prosperity preachers seem to prosper?
Even though many Christians decry the prosperity gospel, why do so many of that gospel’s preachers seem to, well, prosper?
America: The death rattle of a culture?
If we do not turn this around and reaffirm life, both we and future generations will pay a ghastly price in loneliness, emptiness, and despair.
You will fail — and fail often. Still, you can honor God
Maybe as you read these words you are experiencing your own lapse of faith. It’s okay. It’s no disgrace. Just call out to Jesus.
I don’t want to carry a gun but I do
With the random acts of violence we see happening almost everywhere, I feel obligated to have the means to protect those I care about and others around me.