

  • How bad can you be and still be saved?

    How bad can you be and still be saved?

    If we all agreed that no “work” can earn you Heaven, then once saved, what “work” can damn you to Hell?

  • Why Jesus says He loves us but allows tragedy in our lives

    Why Jesus says He loves us but allows tragedy in our lives

    When we face hardship or tragedy in our lives, we have the same questions. If Jesus really loves me, why did He let this happen?

  • America and the West: What is the cultural glue?

    America and the West: What is the cultural glue?

    I fear America is like a boat held together with soluble glue, and unless she returns to the shores of her cultural and spiritual foundations, she will break apart and sink beneath the waves.

  • What if the Bible has errors?

    What if the Bible has errors?

    I’m guessing you’re already fuming mad. Ready to tar and feather me for even suggesting such a thing … that the Bible has errors. Heretic — off with his head!

  • Why Jesus wants us to be like little children

    Why Jesus wants us to be like little children

    Coming back to our Lord’s point, what does He mean when He says we should become like little children?

  • Should we worry about Biden's, Trump's vision for America?

    Should we worry about Biden's, Trump's vision for America?

    What do Trump and Biden really think about the Transcendent One and their relationship to Him? That is the most important question if we are to avoid the horrors of chaos.

  • How do you know you’re not wrong?

    How do you know you’re not wrong?

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is a Somali-born, writer, activist, and former politician, used to be a Muslim. Then she was an atheist. Now she says she is a Christian. How does she know she’s not wrong this time?

  • #HeGetsUs doesn’t get Him

    #HeGetsUs doesn’t get Him

    Then, a jarring thing happened. The peace was interrupted by distorted musical hits and the words: “Jesus Never Taught Hate. He Washed Feet.”  Wait. What? As the #HeGetsUs website came up, I sighed. That was an $18 million rebrand of Christianity gone woke.  

  • Hell is my backup plan

    Hell is my backup plan

    The band Single Mothers says in their song "Hell is my Backup Plan" that, at first, Heaven seems boring, but then at the end, they admit...

  • How I find hope in times of sorrow

    How I find hope in times of sorrow

    I speak from experience: My son Christopher died in 2008. It was the worst day of my life. Last summer we marked 15 years since his death. He would have been 48.