Suicide and the Christian
What does one make of a Christian who has committed suicide?
Genocidal antisemitism in America?
The cultural Marxists do not want us to know our history, because a nation’s history tells us who we are. We are better than these demonstrations. We must teach our young people our history.
Answered prayer is for other people
Maybe you’ve even reached the lowest point where you now believe answered prayer is for other people and not you.
Not again: A preacher denouncing politics
This idea of an inevitable clash between the Gospel and politics is false and contrived.
Don't underestimate the power of words
Our words really matter. Whether we realize it or not or acknowledge it or not, what we say impacts people in profound ways
Monkey business and the problem with the new absolutism
If Darwin was right, the naturalists can’t even have confidence in believing naturalism is true. Or anything else for that matter.
Dr. Phil’s clarion call to an urgent American conversation with ourselves
Dr. Phil commissioned a comprehensive study of American culture, and he emphasizes throughout that he is addressing culture, not politics, problems that go way deeper than the Republican-Democrat divide.
Did Peter lose his salvation when he denied Christ?
Did Peter move from a saved to an unsaved state when he said he’d never met Christ?
'God Bless the USA Bible’: Good idea or bad?
The latest example of this presidential election year phenomenon is the appearance of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump touting Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA Bible,” which includes the Bible bound together with the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the lyrics to the chorus of Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA.”
Does Donald Trump want to make abortion gettable again?
Imagine if slavery were allowed up to 15 weeks. Or maybe we allow hard-core drug usage (you know, “my body my choice”), but just up to 15 weeks. Then, put that magical ban into place that pretends to protect life.