Carmen Fowler LaBerge
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Christians Believe in Supremacy — in Christ
In all of this talk about supremacy: I want to be very clear. Christians believe in supremacy. In fact, Christians believe in exclusive absolute supremacy. Shocked? But I'm not talking about purple supremacy or green supremacy, black supremacy or white supremacy.
Would Jesus Bake a Gay Wedding Cake?
In order to answer the question, "Would Jesus bake the cake?" we have to know Jesus. Not just any Jesus or some genie-Jesus, but the real Jesus.
Bill Cosby, Philando Castile, Planned Parenthood: What Is Justice?
We must remain mindful in a fallen world, what is legal is not always just. And what is right is not always legal.
Hope Has a Name, and It's Not 'Barack'
During an interview with Oprah Winfrey last week, First Lady Michelle Obama unmasked our national political problem.
Evangelicals Should Repent for Putting Politics Ahead of the Gospel
There is a great need for reconciliation, a restoration of the United nature of these American states. That is an opportunity for Christians today.
The Words 'Evangelicals' and 'Despair' Should Never Appear Together
The New York Times recently published a story titled, "Torn over Donald Trump and Cut Off by Culture Wars, Evangelicals Despair." We all need to read the article because the word "evangelicals" and the word "despair" should never appear together. An image of despair is not the public witness Christians should ever have in the world.
Children Now Being Allowed to Choose Genital Mutilation, Assisted Suicide
The altar of self idolatry, at which our culture openly and completely worships, has implications for areas of public debate we may have never previously imagined, including the meaning of childhood and the age of consent.
Transgender Bathroom Mandates: Churches Should Step Into the Chaos
The outrage over the public school gender identity accommodation mandate is vociferous. But if it's all sound and fury that comes to nothing then a significant opportunity will have been missed.
Don't Boycott Target Over Transgender Bathroom Issue
Critics allege that this move is less common sense than nonsense by putting women and girls at risk of increased predation because sexually predatory men will use Target's policy to gain access to female victims. These are very serious concerns, and should not be minimized. So how can we act to protect the most vulnerable in our society and actually effect change?
Trump, The Power of Positive Thinking and American Evangelicalism
Trump has said that he's winning support from Evangelical Christians who he describes as ""incredible people who are really smart, and they want to see our country thrive." But exactly who is he talking about? The Tea-vangelicals? The social-justice evangelicals?