Rob Schwarzwalder
Op-ed contributor
A Poverty of Moral Reasoning in the Oval Office
At last week's "summit" event of religious leaders on poverty, President Obama made some remarks that deserve comment.
We Will Love and Not Be Silent
While I was at the Supreme Court for the hearing on same-sex marriage, a daughter of former Senator and current presidential candidate Rick Santorum got up to speak at a podium in front of the large crowd in front of the building. Immediately, a young man behind me began to shout "UGLY! UGLY! UGLY!"
Memo to Hillary Clinton: On Marriage, Here Christians Stand and We're Not Moving
The Left is getting so frustrated that Christians who believe in the biblical vision of human sexuality refuse to cave-in, now they're talking about forcing us to change our beliefs.
Rand Paul and a Moment of Truth for American Journalism
Democrats are never – ever – asked what limits they would place on the current federal policy of unrestricted access to abortion-on-demand.
Abortion and Human Trafficking: What Would Abraham Lincoln Have Done?
So, on this 150th anniversary of the death of Abraham Lincoln, we should be loath to claim this greatest of all Americans for causes near and dear to our own hearts. Lincoln, the tax-cutter; Lincoln, the defense hawk; Lincoln, the champion of litigation reform – these and a hundred other tinny appellations clank against the edifice of historical integrity.
Surrendering Neither Grace Nor Truth in the Religious Liberty Debate
Recently, the news has been tough for Christians here at home.
A Religious Bigotry Litmus Test
Here's a short questionnaire to determine your level of religious bigotry
The Bible's Teaching on Homosexuality: Clear, Final, and Sufficient
A professing Evangelical church in California has jettisoned its commitment to orthodox Christian teaching on homosexuality.
Have Your Racial Views Moved Beyond Those of Your Parents?: The Humility of Hindsight
Starbucks has launched a well-meaning campaign designed to foster dialog about race and racism. Called "Race Together," it is being hailed by some as potentially disastrous and others as brilliant.
Foreign Financial Flirtations: Hillary Clinton's Dubious Associations with Foreign Governments While Secretary of State
Let us put aside for a moment all the dubious assertions and seeming evasions laced throughout the news conference Hillary Clinton held earlier this week regarding her emails, home-based Internet server, and so forth. For a careful examination of such, read Mollie Hemingway's close analysis.