Rob Schwarzwalder
Op-ed contributor
The Truth About Human Sexuality: It All Comes Down to the Bible
Another long-time Evangelical pastor, Stan Mitchell, has decided that homosexuality is acceptable to the God of the Bible; TIME magazine makes quite a story of it.
Election 2014: A Reward for Gridlock, a Repudiation of the President
The American people are not weary of gridlock. They are weary of Barack Obama, his unsteady leadership and his political agenda.
Memo to Evangelicals: Don't Be Surprised by Fiery Trials, Including Intolerance and Name-Calling By Gay Activists
To disagree with the full mainstreaming of homosexuality is to be a social pariah in popular culture, education and even professional life.
Homosexual Marriage: A Watershed Issue for Evangelicals
There is a point where decision on contentious, difficult issues is unavoidable. With respect to homosexual conduct, the American Evangelical church has reached that point.
'Formers' on the Streets of Washington
A few months ago, he was one of the most powerful people in Washington, indeed the country. Head of a massive Cabinet department with a budget of nearly $80 billion, when the Secretary left his downtown government office Secret Service agents scurried, memo-laden aides scrambled around wondering who would ride in the lead car and who would be forced to go in the longer caravan. Officials from governors to small town mayors would wonder who would get grants and what projects they could tout as pr
Doing Things In the Name of 'Justice' May Not Produce 'Righteousness'
Standing for "justice" in our time no longer means solely such things as opposing slavery, protecting the unborn, or defending the rights of conscience. It has been co-opted by everyone with a cause, however odious it might be, because to claim justice for your side, at least if it is culturally acceptable, is to gain a rhetorical advantage that's hard to fight
Boys Growing Up Without Dads Remain Boys for Too Long
Boys raised by men who are committed and faithful to their wives and show them consistent affection and respect; who demonstrate love for and interest in their sons; who discipline those sons wisely; and who simply spend ample time, the greatest of all gifts, with their boys, produce sons whose confidence, self-restraint, curiosity, kindness, and sense of responsibility prepare them well not only for life generally but marriage specifically.
Sexual Assault on Campus a Symptom of a Larger Problem
Sexual assault is a moral evil. This is clear from the teaching of Jewish and Christian Scripture and from the voice of human conscience. It is an assault on the dignity and privacy of the person, a warping act that, whether committed against an adult or child, does violence to body, soul, and mind.
The Madness of Redistribution: Why Paul Krugman is Wrong (Again)
At the end of the classic film, "The Bridge Over the River Kwai," the prison camp's doctor surveys the scenes of death and destruction surrounding him. He sums up the imponderable moral irony of the British helping the Japanese build a bridge only to blow it up as a military necessity, and exclaims, "Madness! Madness!"
Lying, Obamacare and Integrity
Woven through the non-stop evaluations of and reports about Obamacare's failures is an undercurrent of wounded wonder: The President lied.