Gregory and Marina Slayton
CP Exclusive
Teen Suicide: Don't Let the Epidemic Hit Your Home
Parents Question: Our daughter just called to say that a classmate at her college committed suicide. Sadly this was not her first experience with a fellow student taking his own life.
My Child Is Being Bullied; What Should I Do?
Unfortunately, bullying is as old as time. But the ways in which this generation can bully each other has expanded exponentially.
How Can We Be Sure We Are Raising Good Children (Part 2)
We see so many examples of kids going 'bad' — even from 'good' homes. Some of our friends who have older children are now dealing with big problems … or even outright disasters. Our kids are still very young and we want to raise them up to be strong and courageous and to stand for what is right and good. How can we best do that?
How Can We Be Sure We Are Raising Good Children? (Part 1)
We see so many examples of kids going 'bad' — even from 'good' homes. Some of our friends who have older children are now dealing with big problems … or even outright disasters. Our kids are still very young and we want to raise them up to be strong and courageous and to stand for what is right and good. How can we best do that?
What to Do When You Find Your Child's Friend Buying Drugs
Mom Says/Dad Says: Recently I made a judgement call that is getting a lot of criticism from a number of other parents at school.
5 Tips for Travelling With Kids
My husband and I have two young children and we're not sure if we should travel with them. We both enjoy travelling, but we haven't travelled much at all since the kids were born. What do you advise?
How to Explain Donald Trump to Your Kids
We are shocked by the vulgarity and untruths being told by certain presidential candidates this year. How can we explain this to our kids?
3 Good Ways to Better Love Your Kids
Parents Question: we are worried that we haven't really shown our kids how much we love them. We both work and have very busy lives. But we do love our three children very much. What are concrete ways we can show our love to our kids so that they can really know how much we love them?
When College Threatens to Be an Obsession
Parent Question: My daughter is waiting on pins and needles for responses to her college applications (12 of them — is that normal?).
Battling Laziness In Children
Parent Question: Our child simply does not want to work — too lazy to study much, too interested in electronics to do chores, too bored to look for a summer job. This clearly is not a good path. What can we do as parents?