Rod Anderson
CP Cartoonist
A Theology Lesson from Minister Mom!
If our children don't see the impact the Word of God is having in our hearts and lives in a tangible way, they will struggle to believe in its validity.
Christianity's Global South Success Story
Why is Christianity booming in the global South, but seemingly stagnant in the global North? A new fascinating book offers an answer.
Discipleship or Evangelism? Choose Both!
Every youth leader has a false dilemma. This "dilemma" is whether or not to focus on evangelism or discipleship with their youth ministry.
Are British Doctors Getting a Recipe for Euthanasia?
If someone is sick and can't care for himself, he risks being sped on to his death because 'he was going to die anyway.'
Understanding the Story of Abraham and Isaac
I don't know about you, but I struggle with what God commanded and asked of Abraham.
Is America Turning From Childbirth Out of Wedlock?
After decades of rapid growth, the rate of children being born outside of wedlock is now in decline in the United States.
A Campus Victory for Christian Students!
The University of Iowa has decided to temporarily reinstate several religious student groups after they were kicked off campus for policies that the university deemed discriminatory.
Are Celebrity and Christianity a Bad Mix?
In the wake of the fall of some celebrity megachurch pastors, evangelicals must start becoming much more suspicious of who they trust, a prominent Baptist theologian is warning.
The Rising Cost of Church Fraud
An estimated 80 percent of church fraud cases go unreported.
Christian Students Fight for Their Place on Campus
An InterVarsity Christian student group is suing the University of Iowa after the school kicked it and several other religious groups off campus over what has been deemed as discriminatory leadership policies.