10 notable Christian figures who died in 2020
James Frederick Kubik – Jan. 4, 2020

James Frederick Kubik, a financial expert and longtime certified public accountant who helped to found the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 1983, died at age 89.
The PCUSA was formed in 1983 via the reunification of two Presbyterian denominations, United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A and the Presbyterian Church in the United States, that had split over the issue of slavery in the 19th century.
Kubik was a key player in tackling the financial aspects of the reunification, according to the Rev. John M. Mulder, former president of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
“He was the primary person who unraveled the General Assembly budgets during the early 1980s and won the trust of all parties in putting together a unified budget that could serve as the basis of reunion,” recalled Mulder.
“It was a herculean effort and without his financial and personal integrity, there may not have been a reunion in 1983.”